August 31, 2021 1 min read

Which lens should I get? | What does VLT% mean? Is there a way to defeat flat light?

Variable light conditions can really affect how much fun you’re having. When the light changes, you want to make sure you’re prepared with the appropriately tinted lenses. Each lens has a Visual Light Transmission, or VLT, percentage unit that describes how much light the lens will allow through to your eyes. The higher the VLT percentage, the more light goes through (great for dark conditions), the lower the percentage the less light goes through (great for bright conditions). The VLT percentages are further simplified under 5 subcategories:

S0= Night Skiing or Riding
S1= Dark and overcast. Everything is gray! Or early morning or late afternoon
S2= Variable sun, in and out clouds. In and out shadows
S3= Sunny
S4= High altitude sunny, glacier skiing or riding.

...there is one way to defeat flat light on snow, it's SHRED. Contrast Boosting lens™ technology! Watch the video below!